Friday Five

This post may contain affiliate links.  For more information, see my disclosures here. News, inspiration, and some exciting (!!)  happenings from the last 2 weeks:


Not following me on instagram or insta-stories yet?  What are you waiting for???  You missed some big news last week!  Sometimes things move very slowly in flip land (such as waiting months for a short sale such as Shorty), but other times very fast.  We looked at this this 900sf vintage cutie a week ago Thursday at 5pm and were under agreement by 11am the next day!  It won't be until August that we close, though.  This house will be an exercise in self control for me.  I'm handing it over to my contractor FULLY!  *GASP*  I won't be coordinating subs.  I won't be tiling.  I won't be painting.  I will be designing and overseeing.  And maybe a little light demo because sledge hammers are a great way to release some frustrations ;-).  He already has a name too: Cole.



Ready for big news #2?  Or at least big for me?  Copper Dot is hiring it's first employee also starting in August!  Call me crazy, but I'm actually hiring a past client who has experience in all the areas that I could use a little extra assistance in: social media, marketing, project management, and more.... I think Allison is going to be a great addition to the team and I can't wait for her to get started!! I'll introduce her to you once she gets started, but I think she'll be a great fit!


So much change going on around here lately!  All good things though!!  Today is Copper Dot Baby's FIRST DAY AT DAYCARE!!!  Eeek!  I know I haven't posted much about the little guy... or rather not-so-little-any-more guy.... he's 15 months and is pretty darn awesome if I do say so myself.  Up until now we've hobbled along with a different childcare arrangement daily (nanny, Grammy, Daddy, Nanna, & Mommy).  It was tiring.  Now he's going to be at daycare 3 days a week with the grandmas getting in their baby snuggles the other 2.

I may have driven myself into a tizzy last night realizing that we didn't have a backpack for him to take to daycare with him! (Hubby thought I was nuts.)  Thankfully that was soon remedied and we have this one on it's way from Amazon.  I'm predicting uncharted adorableness of little guy with a little backpack (which will most likely be shared on insta-stories because I can't resist!)


If there was any doubt that I have the best clients- we'll be using this Cole and Son fish wallpaper in a family bathroom and it's going to be epic!  I'll post soon about this entire home renovation and give you all the dirt.  This project isn't coming together until next year, so it will be a slow-burn, but the results are sure to be stunning.  I mean, come ON, FISH WALLPAPER!



Since I have a few kitchens in the works and kitchens on the brain, I thought I'd share with you the kitchen that I'm really digging lately from none other than Studio McGee.  After using blue cabinets in my last flip, and green in the one before that, you should know by now I'm a complete sucker for colored cabinets!


Have a wonderful weekend!!!