Pinterest Challenge

Here We Go Again!

Remember when all my blogger crushes got together and issued the past Pinterest Challenges? (Check out my projects for those here, here, and here) Well, they're at it again!

The amazing ladies issuing the challenge this time are:  Sherry @ Young House Love, Katie @ Bower Power Blog, Kate @ Centsational Girl, and Michelle @ Ten June.

For those of you unfamiliar with the Pinterest Challenge, it's a way to get us pin-addicts to stop pinning and start doing.  We have a week to do a project inspired by something we pinned on Pinterest.  And since they issued the challenge on Tuesday, next Tuesday you'll get to see the results.

This time, I've decided to jump on the succulent terrarium bandwagon.  Here's my inspiration pin:

I already have a vessel in mind for my new terrarium.  In fact, I've been planning this for a while, but it keeps getting pushed down the to do list.  I guess that's the point of the Challenge, right?  Stop talking about doing a project and DO the project.

If I get really ambitious, I might even try doing more than one challenge project.  I'm not going to hold my breath, but there's a remote possibility.

Check back on Tuesday to see what I come up with!

Winter Edition

Ok, so, I'm not so proud of this latest pinterest challenge project, but I loves me a challenge, so I'll suck it up and show it to you anyway. Before I get to my latest project, I'll show you my past Pinterest Challenge successes:

Pinterest Challenge: Summer Edition- Custom Plate Art

Pinterest Challenge: Fall Edition- Coffee Table Bench

and now onto Pinterest Challege: Winter Edition.....

Kitty Scratcher/Tower

I kinda phoned this one in, I'll admit.  It's less of a diy/design project and more of a pathetic attempt of a crazy cat owner to get the bear cat to stop scratching the stairs and upstairs carpets.  I picked this project of the three I was considering only because it was the quickest.  I did some hard-core lounging this weekend (and by hard-core lounging I mean bouts of tv catch-up intermixed with hours of scrubbing my severely neglected house) and didn't get around to any challenge-related stuff.  It was a DIY free weekend- the first I can remember in recent history- and it was a very welcome change.   But that break left me with Monday night to shop and get something together by today to show you guys so I didn't COMPLETELY embarrass myself.  Don't worry, the other projects I was considering will definitely be done, and SOON- I have big plans for them.

The 'Pin' that I picked to tackle this time was originally from

I decided to buy 2 different sizes of tubes to play around with it a bit.  This may or may not have been so successful (read: may not have been so successful).  BUT it did give me the opportunity to use a fun carpet sample that would have been too small for one of the larger tubes.  It was just dry enough to take clamps off this morning, so I don't know yet if the kittens will actually use it, although they have been sniffing around it, so it's looking hopeful.  They were, however not cooperative models.  Open windows and food dishes were MUCH more interesting.

Consider this post my apology for half-a**ing this season's challenge, but it's also a promise.  I VOW that the inevitable Spring Edition of the Pinterest Challenge will BLOW YOUR SOCKS OFF (or if its warm and you aren't wearing socks, it'll blow your shoes/sandals/flip-flops off) so be prepared.

If you haven't already, hop on over to the lovely ladies who hosted this season's Challenge and check out their awesome projects.

Katie @ Bower Power Blog's Watercolor Jellyfish

Sherry @ Young House Love's Pouf

Cassie @ Hi Sugarplum's Faux Antlers

Erin @ The Great Indoors' Mason Jar Candle Chandelier

Seriously AMAZING projects- great job guys!!!


It's Happening Again

That's right, Katie of Bower Power Blog and Sherry of Young House Love have issued the Winter Pinterest Challenge.  You probably know by now, that I am a sucker can't resist a good challenge.  I'm powerless against Pinterest.  I'm defenseless against DIY.

If you missed the last two season's pinterest challenges (seen here and here)- The Challenge is intended to get us pin-addicts to stop pinning cool DIY projects and DO the cool DIY projects.

I haven't decided which project to tackle- I go a little pin-happy sometimes, so I have a LOT to choose from.  Whichever I choose, it's not going be very large- gotta give myself a breather from those.

Here are the pins that I'm debating on tackling:

  • Kitty Scratcher/Tower

  • Custom Herringbone Painting


  • Animal Coat Hooks (for the nephew's room naturally)

I keep changing my mind every 5 minutes, so by the time I get to DOing this weekend, who knows what I'll decide on.  Which one are you voting for?