paper flowers

Paper Perfection

Once upon a time, over 4 years ago, I made 200+ paper flowers to use as my wedding centerpieces.  Back then I was unaware of the blogging world- all I knew of was Style Me Pretty.  After scouring the internet, amazon, and the library for non-cheesy paper flower tutorials, books and how-tos, I found lots of kids projects and cheap-looking crafty flowers (and there is a VERY fine line between design and crafty).  I ended up starting with Martha's pom DIY then scaling them down significantly to match my vision (and to keep them from visually competing with the massive Chihuly sculpture on the ceiling) wedding-table-09

Flashing forward to today, amazing non-cheesy paper flower tutorials are everywhere and my wedding is uber jealous.  It was ahead of it's time.

paper to petal

How unbelievable is it that those amazing flowers are all constructed out of paper?  The tutorials and DIYs are everywhere in blogland now and I'm in love.


Methinks I need to host a paper-flower party and adorn my house with them.  Who's in?

Wedding photo credit to our photog Erica Lyn/go buy this book on amazon and check out their blog

Amazing paper flower images sources 1/2/3/4/5/6