Gnocchi Day 2011

Now that I'm feeling better after a few days of sickness, its time to post my exploits from last weekend. Once a year, my sister and I get together with our 2 closest cousins (on our dads side) and have a Gnocchi Day.  We are the "4 Girls"- the only 4 grandchildren on that side and, after my birthday in April, will be once again in sequential age order- Me: 27, Cousin Erica: 28, Sister Lisa: 29, Cousin Kelly: 30.  Grandma was the Italian cook and would routinely cook for 5 times the amount of people in attendance any given holiday.  One of our favorite dinner treats was Gnocchi (yum) and we all fondly recall Grandma in a gnocchi-making frenzy with the little dough balls coating her countertop and flour all over her apron.  Before Grandma died, my sister was lucky enough to get a private gnocchi lessen from the Master.

Flash forward to our 4th Annual Gnocchi Day!  Girls only, no boys allowed!

This year we had our first new (miniature) addition to Gnocchi Day: my cousin Kelly's 4 month old cutie pie, Whitney.