Baby Steps in the Basement

After a week and a half off from the 9to5, I had full intentions of showing you a near completed basement makeover.  Yeah... things never go according to plan when organizing is involved.  Organizing an entire basement is more taxing than I anticipated. I spent quite a bit of time down there this week trying to organize and divide it into a storage area and a project/work area.  In case you need a reminder, the basement started here: a huge pile of crap stuff.

When I go down and look at the basement currently, I feel like I have very little to show for the time that I put in, but there is a little difference.  I'm still pouting a little bit that it's not further on its way... but I just need to get over it, put on my big girl panties and keep organizing.

What's new in the above view?  Well, you can actually see the floor in the basement for one!  I guess that's really the biggest one.  I also 'installed' my $5 ReStore counter and roughly laid out my new project/work area.  It has a loooong way to go, but at least there's space to work.  It's still lacking additional storage for tools, many organizational elements, and most notably (to me) decorative elements.  Yup, I'm my dad's daughter and need a dedicated work area for projects (and the associated messes), but I'm still a designer and want to make it a creative haven as well.  The later part will be more of a challenge in this basement.

The storage photo shows less progress, but I promise you, it's there.  Very little is left piled on the floor, and it's been organized on shelves.  The 2 big items taking up space in the pic are the desk awaiting refinishing, and a disassembled music studio desk (on the left) which has since been sold on craigslist (HOORAY!!).

In addition to organizing, I've also started refinishing the furniture for my future nephew's nursery, among other things.  Bottom line: I hope to have some exciting posts coming soon, and I promise I won't be fixated on the basement too much.